
Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome 2011 !!!!!

WELCOME 2011...

Looking forward to a busy New Year...Big Plans for the Dilyn Website and Blog.
Looking forward to new ideas, new styles and New Brides!!

Starting January 2011 with a trip to Denver for the Rocky Mountain Bridal Expo at the Convention Center....
Keep posted for fun new ideas for your 2011 weddings.....

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sneak Peek: Martha Stewart Wedding Winter Issue

I am excited to share a little early present with you!

Here is a sneak peek at the new Winter issue of Martha Stewart Weddings. It's a beautiful issue, chock full of images that will warm up the chilly days with lots of colorful inspiration...

Screen shot 2010-12-22 at 9.15.53 AM

I love the featured color palette that takes classic white and pairs it with slate, orange + green. Here's a little peek at the orange inspired pages - so super clean, crisp + refreshing!

Screen shot 2010-12-22 at 9.16.31 AM

Screen shot 2010-12-22 at 9.17.08 AM
Screen shot 2010-12-22 at 9.17.30 AM
Be sure to pick up your copy, hitting newsstands on December 27th!

{Cover credit: Photography by Kenji Toma/ Martha Stewart Weddings, Winter 2011. Color palette credit: Photography by Lucas Allen/Martha Stewart Weddings, Winter 2011}

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Details I Am Loving

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Daily Inspiration

evergreen scene

The look + smell of pine and holiday greenery makes us so happy...


{Snippet & Ink photo credits: Dreamhouse, boxwood garland cake and "wreath" bouquet both from Martha Stewart Weddings. Middle row: garland by Chelsea Fuss, place cards from Martha Stewart Weddings, seedling from Inky Pink. Bottom row: mini tree photo by A Bryan Photo, boutonnieres from Getty Images, programs from Martha Stewart Weddings}

Saturday, December 11, 2010

On Newsstands Now: Brides January 2011

BRIDES/Conde Nast

After getting engaged, you'll probably run to the newsstand and pick up a stack of wedding magazines, and when you get to the checkout counter, you'll find out that they can be expensive. (That's why you should get a subscription -- it'll save you a lot of money!)

Just like deciding what movie to go see or restaurant to eat at, reading a review of a bridal magazine can help you decide which one to buy. is now your go-to source for reviews of the latest wedding magazines hitting stands, whether they're local or national. Each review will feature the highlights of the new issue and what you'll find inside.

The January 2011 issue of Brides magazine ( just hit stands and focuses on the "just engaged" bride. There are a number of stories on what to do at the early stages on planning, but if you've been planning for a few months or your wedding is just around the corner you're sure to find ideas and inspiration you can still put to good use. Cost of issue: $5.99.

I actually get more ideas from the long list of wedding blogs on the web, but I subscribe to 3 wedding magazines...Bride and Bloom, Grace Ormonde Wedding Style and tadaaaaa....the forever old standby, Brides. So many ideas out's hard to get them in order, but here is a way to start.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Win a Pretty Cake Stand from Sweet & Saucy Supply!

I was looking through my favorite wedding blogs this a.m. and found this little goodie on
The Perfect place to find all those vintage cake stands, dishes + more to create a one-of-a-kind dessert table. Find all these pretties at the Sweet & Saucy Shop a new online shop – Sweet & Saucy Supply. Check it out, you are in for a treat! Sweet & Saucy Supply has such a great variety of cake stands, platters, bowls, domes and cupcake liners. Below are some gorgeous ways you can use her pieces to create a stunning table of sweets!
And Melody has generously offered to give one lucky reader this darling vintage cake stand! It’s a 6″ Milk Green Hobnail Cake Stand – such a pretty color!! Wish I could enter this one! :) To enter, just visit her shop and leave a comment on this post with what your favorite item is from the shop. She will pick one random winner this Friday (Dec 10) at 10 am PST. Thanks + Happy Shopping!! (Please note, the winner can pick up the stand at Melody’s store in Long Beach, CA or will need to pay to have it shipped to them).

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fav Finds + Peaches and Greens
This lovely photo I am about to share truly is a bright spot of happy color! I am loving all of the orchestrated chaos in these bouquets - succulents, grapes, garden roses! I love the color combos too! The fabulous Holly Heider Chapple created these lovelies and Kristen Gardner captured their beauty. I found this post and image over on Adore and the Southern Weddings blog and although they had a rough day today with their new site launch, I know it will be simple AMAZING when it does get up and going - so an early congrats to the gals over at Southern Weddings on all their exciting new things!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Winter Gift Wrap

Found this on Grey Likes Weddings
this morning...getting to be my favorite blog.

Love the white on whites and all the monochromatic

(one-color combinations in a variety of hues in a single color family)

combinations....I could do 14 weddings in these colors and none would be the same!

Might be a little boring to some.... I just think it's very classy!

One of the challenges when I am using this combination is defining a focal point...this designer didn't have that the various textures and patterns of the flowers and leaves on each one.

What a fun idea...Here we go!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

First Snow of the Season

Winter is not my favorite time of the year...but this is such a beautiful site to meet first thing in the morning!

Does the forcast say that more snow is on the horizon? We better hunker down and do a little Christmas decorating...fix a cup of hot cocoa & cuddle up with the ones we love.

Hope your first weekend in December was filled with holiday cheer...

See you back here Monday to kick off another week...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Daily Inspiration
I found "Rainy Day Wedding" this morning on one of
my favorite wedding blogs
Grey Likes Weddings at
Pure inspiration for this flower lady....
I'm off and running again!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Halle and The Halloween Whimsy

My beautiful grand daughter
Halle Moreen had her
1st Halloween
and her
6 months pictures taken at the
same time
by Emily Kline at

What a delight!

I thought a tutu was in order and
I found the perfect one at Whimsy Wendys:

Halle was a hotpink ladybug....
her family has a special affection for lady bugs....
long story...her daddy is a Science Teacher!!!

I thought a must accessory for her costume would be a
hotpink and black tulle Whimsey Wand...and I was right.
It was the perfect accessory...albiet a little heavy
(my daughter Tessa informed me later)
"but Momma it was so adorable,
wait till you see the pictures!",
she told me the evening after they did the photo shoot.

And she was right on...
The pictures were just precious...
and the Whimsey Wand finished off the costume
just perfectly.

Tessa was also correct about the wand...
it was a little heavy for such a bitty girl
....but it was cute.

We have a tradition in our family of

Add-a-Pearl necklaces for all the little girls...
somehow they turn into gorgous big girls
with gorgous strands of pearls on their wedding days.... a fairly short amount of time,
it seems!
Anyway, I get off track ..., Halle has on her little
Add-a-Pearl necklace in these shots
and I just love them.
I am just a little prejudice,
but what a doll!!!!

Blue eyes are kind of a tradition too...
both sides of the family,
they are concentrated that!!!

It was a great day forHalloween pictures
this Granna thinks....

The Cowboy Bride Isn't What She Used To Be!!!

One of my favorite images from Dolce & Gabbana....

The Cowboy Bride isn't what she used to be!!!

When you are planning your wedding or celebration of any kind,
look for what inspires you.
Is it texture? A Picture? A Season or a Color?
How about a Venue...the place where youwill be celebrating?
As I am trying to put together several...Hah! collections for my new shop...
opening when did you say? 2020 LOL
I find it more difficult to put together designs without some person or personality to spring off of. I have worked with several brides and the first few things I find out from them are...what it you"style"...what colors do you love, are you down home country, up town glitzy, or a little of both? What kind of music do you like...And how about that groom?... What he wants is just as important as the lady in the long white dress....or whatever she is wearing....

Monday, November 15, 2010

Last October 2009 a group from the Brentwood Church in Lynchburg, VA kicked off a thing called Freedom 4-24.
Basically, Freedom 4-24 is an attempt to get girls out of the sex trade in Thailand. It is a chance to buy a girl out of the bars for one night for $24.oo
A lot of you probably support missions of all sorts all around the world and that's great. If you're looking for something else to support, or if you have a special place in your heart for this issue, check out You can get a t-shirt for $24. Also, there's a link to Red Is White clothing on there. It's a clothing company that has said if we buy shirts from them and put in the code free424 you'll get 15% off the cost of the shirt and they'll donate 15% of the money to Freedom 4-24.
This was started in Lynchburg, by a girl who goes to Liberty, and it has the chance to impact girls on the other side of the world. At least check out the website when you get a chance.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Dilyn's New Blog Page!!!

I am excited!!! Dilyn Design has a new logo....designed by Sarah Love Peterson at Dzine check it out. She is doing my website, to be up and running sometime today, and the banner for my etsy page.... So, you know what's next? I have to get it in gear.....

I just finished a couple precious Whimsey Wands for the "Sitting Pretty Painted Chair Extraordinaire" put on by the Wray Community Child care Center. I was in such a hurry to finish them I didn't get good pictures of them to pass along....but they were really cute.

My Granddaughter and Goddaughter both "needed" Whimsey Wands for their Holloween that was my next project...I do have a few pictures of those.

Also Halle (granddaughter) had her 6 month pictures taken by Emily Kline last Saturday and she "needed" another Whimsey Wand to go with her puppy dog coat, ... I guess I have been working in the Dilyn Studio.

Then my husband and I had to take off last weekend to NYC so .... after all the inspiration of Madison Avenue... I come home with a terrible cold. But I promise I am working in the studio....who am I I guess. LOL! Currently working on a soon to be unvieled: Champagne/Blue Country Wedding...

I'll keep you updated ...